Friday, October 9, 2009

What Older and Younger Workers Have in Common

Much has been written about the "generation gap," and its presence is as powerful in the workplace as it is in popular culture. Younger workers have no expectations of a "cradle to grave" work experience, and as such are actively seeking out organizations that will provide offer more than a paycheck.

But as different as the various generations may be, a new study from the Pew Research Center demonstrates that when it comes to the reason they work, there is actually one expectation that older and younger workers have in common, and it's an important one. This particular research explored why people work, and older and younger workers were asked to respond to eight different reasons. Only one from the list elicited a significant response from both groups: it was the desire 'to feel like a useful and productive person'. Across the board, workers of all ages want a job in which they can make a real difference.

It's also worth noting that this study was just completed, and reflects current attitudes. So while businesses are looking at the world through a very pragmatic, bottom line lens, their employees are still seeking something larger and more significant from their work. What an opportunity for businesses that can get past their own anxieties and lead in ways that allows the talent in their organizations to flourish and contribute in meaningful ways.


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