Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Top Workplaces" in a Tough Economy – Part 2

In my last post, I introduced a study conducted by the Detroit Free Press which identified the "Top Workplaces" in Detroit. They used a proprietary survey which asked employees about a variety of workplace factors, as well as their relative importance. It was the importance questions that really caught my eye, since they provide some insight concerning what employees are looking for from the companies they work for. So what did they have to say? Today I'll share the top two.

The number one, most important workplace factor was "I believe this organization is going in the right direction." This statement seems to speak to the trust employees place in their organization's ability to weather the economic storm, as well as the hope they place in their collective future. A truly great company is therefore one that can take the hard blows we've all endured, yet leave everyone believing that the future is still bright.

The number two spot had a question that was just as powerful and just as interesting. With only a one percentage point of difference, the second most important factor was "I feel genuinely appreciated at this organization." This is another way of saying, "my presence and my contribution matter." When you're just a face in the crowd, it's easy to feel disengaged. But when the people you work with—whether it's your manager, your peers or your customers—let you know that you provide them with real value, then it becomes easy to come to work every day. And the top workplaces are designed and managed in ways that allow everyone to make a difference.

Next time I'll do one more post on this study by sharing the third most important question, and as with the other two I've shared, it's a real building block for any enterprise that wants to thrive in today's complex world.


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