Monday, March 22, 2010

The Social in Social Media

Social media is a hot topic in business, and it should be since it represents great new sales and marketing capabilities for companies to explore. But some of the real value of this technology is often overlooked as we focus on its edginess and efficiency. Ultimately, I believe the greatest power in these new tools is in their ability to connect people.

This statement isn't meant to be either obvious or casual. One of the most important theories in change management today is that change is a function of people coming together and having conversations that impact thinking and prompt behaviors and actions. Essentially, "words create worlds." The universe isn't a fixed entity. It's dynamic and constantly evolving, and the force for these ongoing changes comes from people.

When Scott and I are with clients, we put this theory into motion. Right from the beginning, we listen and ask questions, with the goal of understanding not just the client's current environment, but to put our finger on the pulse of where they want to take their company in the future, and the bigger the thinking, the better. And these conversations aren't just with leaders; they're with literally everyone in the organization. We know from experience that the more people who are engaged in the process, the easier it will be to bring the solution to life.

The first reaction of people when they hear this is that it sounds slow and cumbersome. How do you achieve a common vision? Isn't it easier to make fast decisions with a small group and then move on to implementation? But just the opposite turns out to be true. Since everyone becomes actively engaged in the upfront thinking that leads to decisions and actions, they really get it. That means you don't need big communications campaigns or the challenge of "selling" your vision. They're ready to go, and boy, can they go! Right now, we have a client that says he can barely keep up with all the changes that are starting to happen inside his business, all of which is being done by teams of people across the company. And he can't be more delighted with the direction they're taking.

So we welcome all that social media brings us, since it enhances our ability to engage people in exciting conversations that can change the future.


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