Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Everyone’s Feeling a Loss

As a professional who focuses on improving retention and engagement in organizations, I’ve been surprised by the number of people who say, “You must not be busy these days…anyone who’s working must be happy to even have a job. So engagement’s not an issue. Right?”

Wrong. Right now, many organizations are filled with the “walking wounded,” people who have watched their businesses decline, and then experienced one loss after another. Whether these losses have come in salaries, 401K matches, paid vacations or worst of all, valued colleagues, employees have been devastated, and simply having a job doesn’t fill the void.

I saw this great survey in one of my web searches. A study was done in which they asked people, “How many hours a day do you spend looking for a new job while you’re at work?” Amazingly, nearly half of them admitted to spending up to three hours. Or then again, maybe I shouldn’t be amazed....

And you can almost hear the employers thinking, YIKES!

The irony is, now is the time that organizations need their team members to be at their best. Every drop of profit needs to be squeezed out, and employee productivity and engagement represents one of the best opportunities most businesses have. But meanwhile, the losses pile up.


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